Important Dates:

Before 20 December 2014 Abstract submission for regular contributions

Before 10 January 2015  Notification of acceptance

Before 31 January  2015 Registration and deadline for early fee payment

Remark: For Plenary, Keynote and Invited lectures the abstract should be received before 31 January 2015, however the title should be sent to the organizers as soon as possible.

Template for abstract submission

Download: PDF DOC

Registration form

Download: PDF DOC

Registration to the workshop and abstract submission can be done by e-mail only. Please send both the registration form and your abstract files (preferably in Word *.doc, but also as *.TeX or *.txt) to the following address:

Acceptance notification will be send to each registered participant to its e-mail address.


Registration fee (**)


Early registration

(before 31 January 2015)

Late registration

(after 31 January 2015)


  350 € 400 €


 400 €  450 €


450 €

500 €


300 €

350 €

Acompaniyng person

250 €

250 €


* Students must include a statement from their department head confirming their status of full-time or part-time students.

** The Registration fee includes admission to technical sessions, proceedings, coffee breaks,  4 lunches and Gala dinner

Remark:  Registration fee does not include accommodation


Details for bank transfer


Account Holder: Association Marocaine de Physique des Matériaux Avancés et Leurs Applications "SMPM2A"

Bank Name: Banque Populaire, Agence de Jawhara, El Jadida, Morocco

IBAN: 117 170 21116 5888706 000 9 50


Bank Adress: 7, Dachra IMM B N°3, Avenue Bir Anzarane, El Jadida, Morocco


Beneficiary is Association Marocaine de Physique des Matériaux Avancés et de leurs Applications

beneficiary’s address:

Faculté des Sciences d'El Jadida

Km 1, Route de Ben Maachou, BP 20

24 000 El Jadida



Please give as a title of bank transfer following information:

For ICFPAM  attendees: ICFPAM + Name of attendee